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De Naderende Impact van de EU AI Act op Organisaties en AI Governance
Met de EU AI Act in aantocht staan organisaties voor een grote verandering. Deze wetgeving streeft naar een kader voor beter risicomanagement, data beveiliging, kwaliteit en transparantie van kunstmatige intelligentie (AI). Het is een cruciale stap naar robuustere en verantwoordelijkere AI-toepassingen.De Noodzaak van RegulatieAI-modellen en de onderliggende data zijn onmisbaar geworden in ons dagelijks leven. Van financiële instellingen die leningen verstrekken tot levensveranderende beslissingen in de gezondheidszorg, de invloed van AI is overal. Het is ondenkbaar - en onethisch - dat een AI besluit over een behan... See more
Ogen sluiten voor AI in zorg is ‘ethisch onverdedigbaar’
Zorgaanbieders hebben de ethische plicht om de inzet van artificiële intelligentie te onderzoeken. Dat stellen brancheorganisatie voor de ouderenzorg ActiZ en kenniscentrum Vilans. De opmars van AI lijkt onvermijdelijk. Toch z... See more
EMO, Alibaba's newest AI creation, is turning heads in the tech world
It takes any static image and brings it to life with stunning expressiveness a... See more
Robots Will Replace Human Teachers by 2027
The recent introduction of advanced artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, such as the release of ChatGPT, have trigged discussion on whether AI could potentially completely replace teachers. In light of these debates, it is imperative that we explore the notions of "Adaptive Learning" and "Personalized Learning" to gain a deeper understanding of this matter. Adaptive learning, which employs algorithm-driven technology, investigates stu... See more
AI massage Robots are here
AI-powered massage robots like IYŪ are emerging, offering a glimpse into the future of wellness.These robots use sensors and AI to personalize the massage experience, adjusting pressure, techniques, and... See more
Multimodal AI
What is multimodal AI?Multimodal AI is artificial intelligence that combines multiple types, or modes, of data to create more accurate determinations, draw insightful conclusions or make more precise predictions about real-world problems. Multimodal AI systems t... See more
Contact centers – the perfect proving ground for AI in healthcare?
That's the message Talkdesk VP Patty Hayward is sending at HIMS... See more
Just in ChatGPT has a body now
This robot is called Figure 01 and thanks to OpenAI it can now have full conve... See more
Artificial general intelligence - Are we close, and does it even make sense to try
The world will never be the same, for such a disruptive discovery is to change the whole human mentality and all mindsets, in the first place.Its impact could be more critical than the first nuclear bomb or the Soviet Sputnik 1957, the first satellite to be placed in orbit, or the first man in space 1961.It might be titled like as Engineering [Global] Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Platform - AI for Everything and Everyone.And it might be described as... See more
Google working to fix Gemini AI as CEO calls some responses unacceptable
Feb 28 (Reuters) - Google is working to fix its Gemini AI tool, CEO Sundar Pichai told employees in a note on Tuesday, saying some of the text and image responses generated by the model were "biased" and "completely unacceptable"... See more
The Vision Pro scary side effect
Apple's new VR goggles may rewire our brains in some unexpected ways."Meaning: Our brains are about to undergo a massive,... See more
Unlocking Hope: The Quest for RareDisease Patients, like Pompesdisease and the Role of AI
Personalized Care Pathways:Rare diseases often present with complex and heterogeneous hashtag#symptoms, making treatment decisions challenging. AI enables HCPs to analyze individual hashtag#patientdata and hashtag#tailortreatmentplans to specific needs, hashtag#maximizingefficacy and hashtag#minimizingsideeffects.Accelerating Research:In the realm of rare diseases, ev... See more
Gemini 1.5 een alternatief voor chatgpt ?
This is an exciting time for AI. New advances in the field have the potential to make AI more helpful for billions of people over the coming years. Since introducing Gemini 1.0, we’ve been testing, refining and enhancing its ca... See more
In the era of AI, the increased use of social media could potentially contribute to a rise in mental health problems.
For instance, tools that make use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) now feature on social-media platforms. These tools can learn users’ behaviors and produce content that mirrors their interests and emotional states. This could e... See more