The AI and Artificial Intelligence resource for the Netherlands your source and starting point for your artificial intelligence challenges

Antoine Aarts

Posted this news 4 months ago

Multimodal AI

What is multimodal AI?Multimodal AI is artificial intelligence that combines multiple types, or modes, of data to create more accurate determinations, draw insightful conclusions or make more precise predictions about real-world problems. Multimodal AI systems t... See more

Antoine Aarts

Posted this news 4 months ago

Contact centers – the perfect proving ground for AI in healthcare?

That's the message Talkdesk VP Patty Hayward is sending at HIMS... See more

Contact centers – the perfect proving ground for AI in healthcare?

Abhishek Gupta

Posted this news 4 months ago

Just in ChatGPT has a body now

This robot is called Figure 01 and thanks to OpenAI it can now have full conve... See more

Abhishek Gupta

Posted this news 4 months ago

Artificial general intelligence - Are we close, and does it even make sense to try

The world will never be the same, for such a disruptive discovery is to change the whole human mentality and all mindsets, in the first place.Its impact could be more critical than the first nuclear bomb or the Soviet Sputnik 1957, the first satellite to be placed in orbit, or the first man in space 1961.It might be titled like as Engineering [Global] Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Platform - AI for Everything and Everyone.And it might be described as... See more

Artificial general intelligence - Are we close, and does it even make sense to try

Antoine Aarts

Posted this news 4 months ago

Google working to fix Gemini AI as CEO calls some responses unacceptable

Feb 28 (Reuters) - Google is working to fix its Gemini AI tool, CEO Sundar Pichai told employees in a note on Tuesday, saying some of the text and image responses generated by the model were "biased" and "completely unacceptable"... See more

Google working to fix Gemini AI as CEO calls some responses unacceptable

Abhishek Gupta

Posted this news 5 months ago

The Vision Pro scary side effect

Apple's new VR goggles may rewire our brains in some unexpected ways."Meaning: Our brains are about to undergo a massive,... See more

Abhishek Gupta

Posted this news 5 months ago

Unlocking Hope: The Quest for RareDisease Patients, like Pompesdisease and the Role of AI

Personalized Care Pathways:Rare diseases often present with complex and heterogeneous hashtag#symptoms, making treatment decisions challenging. AI enables HCPs to analyze individual hashtag#patientdata and hashtag#tailortreatmentplans to specific needs, hashtag#maximizingefficacy and hashtag#minimizingsideeffects.Accelerating Research:In the realm of rare diseases, ev... See more

Unlocking Hope: The Quest for RareDisease Patients, like Pompesdisease and the Role of AI

Antoine Aarts

Posted this news 5 months ago

Gemini 1.5 een alternatief voor chatgpt ?

This is an exciting time for AI. New advances in the field have the potential to make AI more helpful for billions of people over the coming years. Since introducing Gemini 1.0, we’ve been testing, refining and enhancing its ca... See more

Abhishek Gupta

Posted this news 5 months ago

In the era of AI, the increased use of social media could potentially contribute to a rise in mental health problems.

For instance, tools that make use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) now feature on social-media platforms. These tools can learn users’ behaviors and produce content that mirrors their interests and emotional states. This could e... See more

In the era of AI, the increased use of social media could potentially contribute to a rise in mental health problems.

Abhishek Gupta

Posted this news 5 months ago

In China, a processor was developed with the help of AI without human involvement in just 5 hours

A team from the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences sought the assistance of hashtag... See more

In China, a processor was developed with the help of AI without human involvement in just 5 hours

Abhishek Gupta

Posted this news 5 months ago

Abhishek Gupta

Posted this news 5 months ago

Antoine Aarts

Posted this news 6 months ago

Moet een organisatie zich richten op AI of op Data?

De discussie of een organisatie zich moet richten op kunstmatige intelligentie (AI) of data is een essentieel vraagstuk in de hedendaagse digitale transformatie. AI-oplossingen worden vaak gezien als de toekomst voor het overwinnen van zakelijke uitdagingen, maar het is de kwaliteit en juistheid van de onderliggende data die... See more

Moet een organisatie zich richten op AI of op Data?

Abhishek Gupta

Posted this news 6 months ago

AR is only for games

'' NO! It will completely transform HEALTHCARE.What if your doctor could see... See more

Antoine Aarts

Posted this news 6 months ago

Kabinet presenteert visie op generatieve AI

Op 18 januari heeft het kabinet de eerste stappen gezet in een visieontwikkeling mbt. AI. Deze visie is verwoord in een brief aan de 2e kamer. U vindt deze brief hier De visie is ontwikkeld op basis van 4 uitgangspunten1.     Wordt op een vei... See more

Kabinet presenteert visie op generatieve AI
N E D E R L A N D . A I