About Us

About Us

Netherlands.ai is part of Euro 92. We started in 1987. Over the years, we have developed into a fully-fledged software and organisation consultancy company. We have worked for ING, Telegraaf, Schiphol, Ahold, Brabant Water, Essent, ANWB, Tele2 and Belastingdienst, among others. This in addition to many other organisations. Our working method is entirely focused on the agile approach of self-steering teams.

Nederland.ai is a platform for sharing knowledge and acts as a starting point for many individuals and organisations. First of all, because we collect and organise a huge amount of links so you can find what you are looking for easily and in a structured way. In addition, we provide a "business social platform" to share and upload knowledge. Nederland.ai is new and will be further developed in the near future. 

Of course, you can also contact us for more information and or use our consultancy services.

Antoine Aarts

N E D E R L A N D . A I